Homelessness and Housing Selected as UUCM’s Social Justice Focus

The UUCM Social Justice Ministry Team is excited to announce that Homelessness and Housing will be our congregational focus for the year. We spent a good deal of time discerning the many issues that call us and the purpose of congregational-based social justice work. We believe having one primary focus area will help UUCM increase our community connections and have a measurable impact on an issue.

Affordable housing is a crisis not just in the city core, but even more in the suburbs. Work around this issue is deeply grounded at UUCM through our long partnership with IOCP (Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners); our youth’s commitment through their participation in the Sleep Out for the Homeless program, food drives, and summer mission trips; and how this issue directly connects with UUCM’s mission and ends.

We know there are many issues and causes that UUCM members and friends are passionate about. We also know that no issue exists in isolation and all systems of oppression are affected by race, class, gender, sexuality, disability, etc. Having an initial congregational focus area will help us better recognize these intersections and build a foundation from which to expand our work together.

We are currently developing specific action plans within the Social Justice Ministry Team and in collaboration with the other UUCM Ministries. There will be many ways for UUCM members and friends to learn more and get involved. Watch for announcements in Sunday the bulletin, in the Friday Update email, on UUCM’s Happenings, and on the Social Justice board in the community room.

We welcome your comments and questions. Please reach out to the Social Justice Ministry Team co-facilitators, Mary Cotton (mary3452@hotmail.com) and Sue Fust (drlanasue@yahoo.com).

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